View your options below.

Register by FEBRUARY 23, 2025 for classes in the WINTER II session.

Portuguese 1
6:00pm - 9:00pm
per 6-week course
WINTER II: Mar. 6 - Apr. 10, 2025
Portuguese 2
6:00pm - 9:00pm
per 6-week course
WINTER II: Mar. 7 - Apr. 11, 2025
Portuguese 3
10:00am - 1:00pm
per 6-week course
WINTER II: Mar. 8 - Apr. 12, 2025
Portuguese 4
(In-Person or Online)
6:00pm - 9:00pm
per 6-week course
WINTER II: Mar. 7 - Apr. 11, 2025
Portuguese Private Lessons
(Online Class)
Please call for schedule availability $80 per hour
for 1 to 4 students
Flexible start dates

Portuguese Course Descriptions:

Portuguese 1:
(3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

This is a beginner-level course designed for students with little or no previous Portuguese learning experience. This course initiates the development of the ability to speak, understand, read, and write in Portuguese. Students learn the fundamentals of grammar, basic vocabulary, and correct pronunciation. The goal is to be able to successfully handle a variety of basic communicative tasks necessary for survival in a Portuguese speaking context. Lição preliminar and 1 of the textbook will be covered. Students who successfully complete Portuguese I should be able to:

  • Greet people and say goodbye
  • Use expressions of courtesy
  • Spell in Portuguese
  • Identify and locate people and objects
  • Use numbers from 0 - 99
  • Express dates
  • Tell time
  • Use classroom expressions
  • Ask for and provide information
  • Express needs, likes, and dislikes
  • Talk about daily activities
  • Ask about and express location

Textbook: Ponto de Encontro: Portuguese as a World Language (2nd Edition) published by Pearson Education
ISBN-13: 978-0205782765

Portuguese 2:
(3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

The level 2 Portuguese course is designed for students who have completed level 1 language proficiency. Students will continue to develop their four basic skills (i.e. listening, speaking, reading, and writing) in Portuguese and learn about Portuguese-speaking cultures. Lição 2 and 3 of the textbook will be covered. Students who successfully complete this course should be able to:

  • Ask about and describe persons, animals, places and things
  • Express nationality and place of origin
  • Talk about ethnic and cultural diversity
  • Express where and when events take place
  • Express possession
  • Discuss activities and make future plans
  • Order food in a restaurant
  • Talk about arts and entertainment
  • Describe possessions and conditions
  • Express obligations

Textbook: Ponto de Encontro: Portuguese as a World Language (2nd Edition) published by Pearson Education
ISBN-13: 978-0205782765

Portuguese 3:
(3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

The level 3 Portuguese course is designed for students who have completed level 2 language proficiency. Students will continue to develop their four basic skills (i.e. listening, speaking, reading, and writing) in Portuguese and learn about Portuguese-speaking cultures. Lição 4 and 5 of the textbook will be covered. Students who successfully complete this course should be able to:

    • Identify and compare family members and structures
    • Describe routine activities
    • Express preferences and feelings
    • Express how long events and states have been going on
    • Talk about past events
    • Discuss housing, household items, and domestic chores
    • Ask about and discuss schedules
    • Express ongoing actions
    • Describe physical and emotional states
    • Express familiarity and describe skills

    Textbook: Ponto de Encontro: Portuguese as a World Language (2nd Edition) published by Pearson Education
    ISBN-13: 978-0205782765

    Portuguese 4:
    (3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

    The level 4 Portuguese course is designed for students who have completed level 3 language proficiency. Students will continue to develop their four basic skills (i.e. listening, speaking, reading, and writing) in Portuguese and learn about Portuguese-speaking cultures. Lição 6 and 7 of the textbook will be covered. Students who successfully complete this course should be able to:

      • Talk about clothing and shopping
      • Discuss consumer goods and markets
      • Talk about past events
      • Express affirmation and negation
      • Express opinions
      • Describe physical and leisure activities
      • Ask and answer questions about weather conditions
      • Discuss sports and sporting events
      • Talk about ongoing past events and states
      • Express how long ago events and states occurred

      Textbook: Ponto de Encontro: Portuguese as a World Language (2nd Edition) published by Pearson Education
      ISBN-13: 978-0205782765

      Portuguese 5:
      (3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

      The level 5 Portuguese course is designed for students who have completed level 4 language proficiency. Students will continue to develop their four basic skills (i.e. listening, speaking, reading, and writing) in Portuguese and learn about Portuguese-speaking cultures. Lição 8 and 9 of the textbook will be covered. Students who successfully complete this course should be able to:

      • Talk about holiday activities and religion
      • Extend, accept, and decline invitations
      • Express intent
      • Make comparisons
      • Discuss interpersonal relationships
      • Talk about the work place and professions
      • Discuss job skills and abilities
      • Ask about professional qualifications and requirements
      • Discuss national, regional, and global economies
      • Give orders and instructions

      Textbook: Ponto de Encontro: Portuguese as a World Language (2nd Edition) published by Pearson Education
      ISBN-13: 978-0205782765

      Portuguese 6:
      (3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

      The level 6 Portuguese course is designed for students who have completed level 5 language proficiency. Students will continue to develop their four basic skills (i.e. listening, speaking, reading, and writing) in Portuguese and learn about Portuguese-speaking cultures. Lição 10 of the textbook will be covered. The teacher will also provide additional topics and resources for discussion. Students who successfully complete this course should be able to:

      • Discuss food, shopping, and planning menus
      • Discuss and compare culinary traditions
      • Use the subjunctive to express wishes and hopes
      • Express opinions and doubts
      • Give informal orders and instructions
      • Take down details transmitted orally
      • Express preferences, make and react to suggestions
      • Read detailed passages
      • Provide advice to friends

      Textbook: Ponto de Encontro: Portuguese as a World Language (2nd Edition) published by Pearson Education
      ISBN-13: 978-0205782765

      Portuguese 7:
      (3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

      The level 7 Portuguese course is designed for students who have completed level 6 language proficiency. Students will continue to develop their four basic skills (i.e. listening, speaking, reading, and writing) in Portuguese and learn about Portuguese-speaking cultures. Lição 11 of the textbook will be covered. The teacher will also provide additional topics and resources for discussion. Students who successfully complete this course should be able to:

      • Describe the body, health, and medical treatments
      • Discuss and compare health-care systems
      • Express emotions, opinions, and attitudes (use subjunctive with expressions of emotion)
      • Express collective suggestions and requests
      • State goals and purposes
      • Classify and summarize information
      • Describe reading preferences and comment on texts
      • Discuss symbolic meanings and explore complex vocabulary
      • Compose a dialogue between two people

      Textbook: Ponto de Encontro: Portuguese as a World Language (2nd Edition) published by Pearson Education
      ISBN-13: 978-0205782765

      Portuguese 8:
      (3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

      The level 8 Portuguese course is designed for students who have completed level 7 language proficiency. Students will continue to develop their four basic skills (i.e. listening, speaking, reading, and writing) in Portuguese and learn about Portuguese-speaking cultures. Lição 12 of the textbook will be covered. The teacher will also provide additional topics and resources for discussion. Students who successfully complete this course should be able to:

      • Make travel arrangements and discuss itineraries
      • Ask for and give directions
      • Express denial and uncertainty
      • Talk about things that may not exist (use the indicative and the subjunctive in adjective clauses)
      • Make qualified statements (use the subjunctive in adverbial clauses)
      • Talk about past expectations, wishes, and demands (use past subjunctive)
      • Discuss emigration and immigration
      • Make inferences and listen for specific meaning in speech
      • Summarize and extrapolate from a text
      • Argue for a preferred choice

      Textbook: Ponto de Encontro: Portuguese as a World Language (2nd Edition) published by Pearson Education

      ISBN-13: 978-0205782765

      Portuguese 9:
      (3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

      The level 9 Portuguese course is designed for students who have completed level 8 language proficiency. Students will continue to develop their four basic skills (i.e. listening, speaking, reading, and writing) in Portuguese and learn about Portuguese-speaking cultures. Lição 13 of the textbook will be covered. The teacher will also provide additional topics and resources for discussion. Students who successfully complete this course should be able to:

      • Describe states and conditions
      • Give opinions
      • Talk about the future (use the future subjunctive)
      • Express hypothetical conditions
      • Discuss environmental issues
      • Listen for specific meaning
      • Plan an environmentally friendly vacation and discuss environmental protection
      • Understand different viewpoints
      • Argue in favor of an informed point of view

      Textbook: Ponto de Encontro: Portuguese as a World Language (2nd Edition) published by Pearson Education

      ISBN-13: 978-0205782765

      Portuguese 10:
      (3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

      The level 10 Portuguese course is designed for students who have completed level 9 language proficiency. Students will continue to develop their four basic skills (i.e. listening, speaking, reading, and writing) in Portuguese and learn about Portuguese-speaking cultures. Lição 14 of the textbook will be covered. The teacher will also provide additional topics and resources for discussion. Students who successfully complete this course should be able to:

      • Describe and discuss social conditions and political systems
      • Express political opinions
      • Describe ongoing states and activities
      • Communicate about object-oriented events and actions
      • Talk about the recent past (use present perfect)
      • Talk about the past from a past perspective (use past perfect)
      • Emphasize facts resulting from actions (use the passive voice)
      • Analyze the substantive meaning of complex statements
      • Extrapolate from an individual case
      • Explore a literary text in detail and make connections to personal experiences
      • Imagine a hypothetical situation

      Textbook: Ponto de Encontro: Portuguese as a World Language (2nd Edition) published by Pearson Education

      ISBN-13: 978-0205782765

      Portuguese 11:
      (3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

      The level 11 Portuguese course is designed for students who have completed level 10 language proficiency. Students will continue to develop their four basic skills (i.e. listening, speaking, reading, and writing) in Portuguese and learn about Portuguese-speaking cultures. Lição 15 of the textbook will be covered. The teacher will also provide additional topics and resources for discussion. Students who successfully complete this course should be able to:

      • Talk about advances in science and technology
      • Give opinions and make suggestions
      • Hypothesize about the present and the future
      • Express contrary-to-fact conditions in the present
      • Express subjective perceptions and attitudes
      • Identify main ideas and specific information
      • Express and discuss complex scenarios
      • Extract information from a specialized text
      • Discuss political and economic issues formally

        Textbook: Ponto de Encontro: Portuguese as a World Language (2nd Edition) published by Pearson Education

        ISBN-13: 978-0205782765

        Portuguese 12:
        (3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

        The level 12 Portuguese course is designed for students who have completed level 11 language proficiency. Students will continue to develop their four basic skills (i.e. listening, speaking, reading, and writing) in Portuguese and learn about Portuguese-speaking cultures. Students will develop their fluency, accuracy, vocabulary, and pronunciation through guided discussions of topics in the media and current event articles. Grammar will be reviewed as needed. The teacher will provide resources for discussion.  Students will learn and practice the following.  

        • Discuss topics in the media and current events
        • Use accurate grammar in the context of discussions, presentations, and writing
        • Do presentations on topics of interest
        • Do professional mock interviews

        Textbook: Ponto de Encontro: Portuguese as a World Language (2nd Edition) published by Pearson Education

        ISBN-13: 978-0205782765

        Portuguese Private Lessons:

        We offer Portuguese private language lessons. Private lessons are $80 per hour for 1 to 4 students. We will schedule lessons based on the availability of the student(s) and teacher. Start dates are flexible. Please register at least 2 weeks before your first lesson.

        Site Designed and Developed by Rykode by Jesse Rykerson